Glossary A

Accessibility refers to the extent to which schemas and concepts are at the forefront of people’s minds and are therefore likely to be used when making judgments about the social world.

- Accessibility (in memory ) : Accessibility (in memory) refer to memories currently stored in a person's memory, which can be retrieved when necessary and are both available and accessible.
Accessible population refers to the easily available segment of a target population. Researchers typically select their samples from this type of population.

Accessory motion refers to the actual change in relationship between the articular surface of one bone relative to another, characterized as roll, spin, and glide.

Deutsch: Unfall / Español: Accidente / Português: Acidente / Français: Accident / Italiano: Incidente /

Accident refers to unintentional injury.

Accidental viewpoint refers to a viewpoint relative to an object that results in perception of an accidental (or rarely encountered) property of the object. For example, although three (3) sides of a solid cube are visible from most viewpoints, an accidental property, that is seeing only one side of the cube occurs when the cube is seen from the accidental viewpoint of an end-on view. This concept is associated with the recognition-by-components theory of object perception.

Accommodate is a term in Forensic Psychology. In regard to achieving the American Dream, to adjust non-economic needs so that they are secondary to and supportive of economic ones.

Accommodating style is the conflict style of a person who tends to respond to conflict by giving in to the other person.