Glossary A
Glossary A
Associationism refers to a philosophical doctrine maintaining that complex ideas are the sum of smaller, more elemental ideas joined together. It examines how events or ideas can become associated with one another in the mind to result in a form of learning. Moreover, Associationism is the philosophical belief that mental phenomena, such as learning, remembering, and imagining, can be explained in terms of the Laws of Association.
Associative Agnosia refers to a form of Visual Agnosia in which perceptual Processing is fairly normal, but there is an impairment in the ability to derive the meaning of objects. (See Visual agnosia).
The Associative chain theory refers to a theory favored by behaviorists that explains the formulation of a sentence as a chain of associations between the individual words in the sentence.
Deutsch: Assoziatives Verschieben / Español: Desplazamiento Asociativo / Português: Deslocamento Associativo / Français: Déplacement Associatif / Italiano: Spostamento Associativo /
Associative shifting refers to a Thorndikean concept that describes a process whereby a response is gradually shifted to a situation entirely different from that in which it was learned. One way of doing this is to change the initial stimulus very gradually, a process called fading.