Glossary A

Affective a term that has to do with feelings or emotions.

Affective (or emotional) component of pain refers to the emotional experience associated with pain, for example, pain described as torturing, annoying, frightful, or sickening. See also Sensory component of pain.

Affective behaviors refer to behaviors related to feelings, emotions, values, attitudes, interests, and personality ; nonintellectual behaviors.

Affective commitment refers to the extent to which an employee wants to remain with an organization and cares about the organization.

Affective disorders refers to a class of mental disorders that affect mood.

Affective explanations refers to discipline that focuses a child’s attention on the harm or distress that his or her conduct has caused others.
Affective flattening refers to a symptom of Schizophrenia in which an individual seems unresponsive and which is reflected in relatively motionless Body language and facial reactions

Affective forecasting refers to the ability to predict one’s emotional reactions to future events