Glossary A

Affective identity motivation refers to the motivation to lead as a result of a desire to be in charge and lead others.
Affective shift refers to a shift in facial or bodily expressions of emotion or stress indicating that a cognitive shift has just taken place, usually a negative cognitive shift.

Affective significance of stimuli refers to the binding or attachment of emotion to novel and social stimuli.

Affective tasks term which is used when helping bereaved persons by assisting with efforts to express emotions and feelings associated with a loss or death in a constructive way

Affective withdrawal refers to the sudden termination of narcotic use often produces the opposite affective state of the initial pleasant one.

Deutsch: Affektiv basierte Einstellungen / Español: Actitudes basadas en afectos / Português: Atitudes baseadas em afetos / Français: Attitudes basées sur l'affect / Italiano: Atteggiamenti basati sull'affetto /

Affectively based attitudes are based more on people's feelings and values than on beliefs about the nature of the attitude object, the heart over the head.

Afferent axon is a neuron that brings information into a structure

Afferent Fibers are nerve fibers (Sensory FIbers) that carry neural information back to the central nervous system.