Glossary A

ALI rule refers to the legal principle stating that a person is not responsible for criminal conduct if he or she lacks the capacity to appreciate the criminality (wrongfulness) of the act or to conform his or her conduct to the requirements of the law as a result of mental disease

ALI standard refers to the most liberal standard for determining the insanity of a defendant. This standard attests that the defendant is not responsible for an unlawful act if it resulted from a mental disease or defect such that he or she lacked substantial capacity either to appreciate the criminality of the act (a cognitive deficit) or to conform to the law (a volitional deficit).

Alien niches is an ecological term used to describe deviant categories (i.e., labels), such as emotional disturbance, behavior disorder, or mental illness provide society with places or roles in which individuals can function without disturbing the mainstream of society.

Alienation refers to the separation from nature, other people, or oneself that results in feelings of loneliness, emptiness, or despair.

The term "Alienist" was heading for obsolescence until it was returned to a position of some prominence by the 1994 book "The Alienist" by the historian/novelist Caleb Carr.

Alignment refers to the way where family members join or oppose each other in dealing with events.

Alimony refers to an allowance for support made under court order to a divorced person by the former spouse which is often the chief provider during the marriage.
Alkalosis refers to an abnormal increase in blood concentration of OH-ions, resulting in a rise in arterial pH above 7.45. Alkalosis is also defined as an abnormally high level of alkaline in the body.