Glossary B

Biodata refers to detailed biographical information about a job applicant. Biodata also refers to a method of selection involving application blanks that contain questions that research has shown will predict job performance.

Bioenergetic analysis refers to a method of understanding personality in terms of the body and its energy flow which was developed principally by Alexander Lowen. Attention is given to physiology, breathing, and bodily movement.

Bioenergetics refers to the chemical processes involved with the production of cellular ATP.

Bioethics refers to the study of the interaction or interface between human values and technological advances in the health and life sciences.

Biofeedback refers to provision of information to a person regarding one or more physiological processes in an effort to enable the person to gain some element of voluntary control over bodily functions that normally operate outside of consciousness.

- Biofeedback Training : Biofeedback Training refers to an intervention procedure where the individual monitors and controls normally automatic functions .

Deutsch: Biogrammatik / Español: Biogramática / Português: Biogramática / Français: Biogrammaire / Italiano: Biogrammatica /

Biogrammar refers to the inherited structure that predisposes organisms toward certain kinds of social activities according to the Socio-Biologists

Deutsch: Biologische Anpassung / Español: Adaptación Biológica / Português: Adaptação Biológica / Français: Adaptation Biologique / Italiano: Adattamento Biologico

Biological Adaptation in the context of psychology refers to the process by which organisms adjust to changes in their environment through physiological or behavioral changes, enhancing their survival and reproductive success. In psychology, this concept is often explored in relation to how humans and other animals adapt to their environments via innate or learned behaviors, and how these adaptations influence and are influenced by psychological processes.