Glossary C

Deutsch: Kulturpsychologie / Español: Psicología cultural / Português: Psicologia cultural / Français: Psychologie culturelle / Italiano: Psicologia culturale

Cultural psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on how cultures shape and are shaped by human psychological processes. It seeks to understand the ways in which thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the cultural contexts in which individuals live.

Cultural relativism refers to the belief that what is judged to be normal or abnormal may vary from one culture to another.

Cultural relativity refers to the idea that behavior must be judged relative to the values of the culture in which it occurs. In the context of conformity oriented definitions of abnormal behavior, Cultural relativity is the fact that judgments about the abnormality of a particular behavior may vary from culture to culture or subculture to subculture.

Cultural Relevance means demonstration that evaluation methods , procedures, and/or instruments are appropriate for the cultures to which they are applied.

Cultural schema refer to beliefs about one’s own culture as it relates to other cultures.

Deutsch: Kulturelle Sensibilität / Español: Sensibilidad cultural / Português: Sensibilidade cultural / Français: Sensibilité culturelle / Italiano: Sensibilità culturale

Cultural sensitivity in the context of psychology refers to the awareness, understanding, and appreciation of cultural differences and the impact these differences can have on individuals' thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It involves recognizing the importance of cultural identities in shaping personal experiences and the way individuals interact with the world around them.

Cultural tools refer to symbol systems, such as language of one's society that permit individuals to alter their environments and guide, regulate and redefine themselves.
Cultural transmission refers to a theory that views delinquency as a socially learned behavior transmitted from one generation to the next in disorganized urban areas.