Glossary C

- Cingulate motor area (CMA) : Cingulate motor area (CMA ) also known as Cingulate motor cortex are structures of the secondary motor cortex involved in higher order voluntary movement.

- Cingulate motor area (CMA) or cingulate motor cortex : - Cingulate motor area (CMA ) or cingulate motor cortex : Cingulate motor area refer to structures of the secondary motor cortex involved in higher order voluntary movement. Cingulate motor area is also called CMA or Cingulate motor cortex.

Cingulum refers to a major intracerebral fiber.

Circadian rhythm refers to an internal biological clock that runs approximately on a 24 hour cycle.

Circadian rhythm sleep disorder refers to a sleep disturbance resulting in sleepiness or insomnia, caused by the body’s inability to synchronize its sleep patterns with the current pattern of day and night.

Circadian rhythms refer to cyclical changes in bodily functions and arousal levels that vary on a schedule approximating a 24-hour day.

Circannual rhythm refers to an internal biological clock that runs on a yearly cycle.

Circle of Willis refers to a spiderlike arterial structure formed by the anterior cerebral branches of the internal carotid artery and its connections, the anterior communicating artery, the posterior communicating artery, and the posterior cerebral branches of the basilar artery. It allows for a certain degree of redundancy among blood vessels and blood supply to the various areas of the brain.