Glossary C

Cognitive distortions refer to systematic errors in reasoning, often stemming from early childhood errors in reasoning; an indication of inaccurate or ineffective information processing. Cognitive distortions also refer to the errors that depressed people make in the way they draw conclusions from their experiences.

Cognitive economy refers to a principle of hierarchical semantic networks such that properties and facts about a node are stored at the highest level possible. For example, the fact "is alive” would be stored with the node for "animal” rather than stored with each node under animal, such as "dog,” "cat,” and the like; a characteristic of semantic memory in which information is only represented once within a semantic network.

Cognitive effects associated with stress refers to one of the four (4) major kinds of effects which are associated with stress characterized as follows: 1. Poor concentration 2. Increased distractibility 3. Reduced short-term memory capacity

Cognitive equilibrium refers to Piaget’s term for the state of affairs in which there is a balanced, or harmonious, relationship between one’s thought processes and the environment.

Deutsch: Kognitive Flexibilität / Español: Flexibilidad Cognitiva / Português: Flexibilidade Cognitiva / Français: Flexibilité Cognitive / Italiano: Flessibilità Cognitiva

Cognitive Flexibility in the context of psychology refers to the mental ability to switch between thinking about two different concepts, and to think about multiple concepts simultaneously. It's a crucial aspect of executive functions, which are a set of cognitive processes that manage, control, and regulate other cognitive processes. Cognitive flexibility enables individuals to adapt their thinking and behavior in response to changing environments, demands, and strategies. It is associated with resilience, problem-solving, and creativity, allowing people to effectively cope with new and unexpected situations, understand multiple perspectives, and integrate new information.

Cognitive heuristics refers to efficient problem-solving strategies that generally yield accurate solutions but can produce judgmental errors.

Cognitive impairment refers to a breakdown in a person's mental state, which may Affect the person's ability to think clearly. It may also Affect moods and induce Fear and/or anxiety.