Glossary C

Deutsch: Schlussfolgerung / Español: Conclusión / Português: Conclusão / Français: Conclusion / Italiano: Conclusione

In the context of psychology, a conclusion refers to the end part of a psychological assessment, research study, or any analytical process where findings and implications are summarized and interpreted. It typically involves drawing together the key findings of a study, discussing the implications of these findings in terms of theory, practice, and future research, and may also suggest potential interventions or actions based on the results.

Corconrdance is when a pair of twins is concordant for a trait if both of them have it or if neither has it

Concordance rate refers to agreement ratios between people diagnosed as having a particular disorder and their relatives.

The Concrete Operational Stage (7 - 11 years) (Piaget) refers to the 3rd of the four (4) stages Piaget uses to define cognitive development.

Concrete operational thought is a term used in Piaget's theory that refers to a stage of Cognitive development in which rules of logic can be applied to observable or manipulable physical relations.

Concrete operations refers to the third stage in Piaget’s theory of cognitive development applying to children between the ages of 7 and 11.

Concrete-operational period refers to Piaget’s third stage of cognitive development, lasting from about age 7 to age 11, when children are acquiring cognitive operations and thinking more logically about real objects and experiences. Concrete-operational period is also called Concrete-operational stage

Concrete-operational stage refers to Piaget’s third stage of cognitive development, lasting from about ages 7 to 11, when children are acquiring cognitive operations and thinking more logically about tangible objects and experiences Concrete-operational stage is also called Concrete-operational period.