Glossary C

Closed kinetic chain is a term used when the distal end of an extremity is fixed, preventing movement of any one joint unless predictable movements of the other joints in the extremity occur.

Closed question delimiting affect refers to a type of information gathering technique that uses questions to force the client to pick between feeling choices assumed by the clinician.

Closed question delimiting content refers to a type of information gathering technique that uses questions to focus on a particular topic or point of view and forces the client to pick between choices given.

Closed-class words refer to a word such as an article, preposition, or conjunction that plays a secondary role in the meaning of a sentence. Closed-class words is a word from categories, such as determiners/article (examples: a, an, the), auxiliaries (examples, can, would), and prepositions (examples, on, in, over). These categories share the characteristics that they serve grammatical functions, as in articles/determiners mark the beginnings of noun phrases and that speakers cannot readily invent new words to add to these categories in contrast to categories such as noun and verb that readily admit newly coined words. Please see also Function word.

Closed-ended question is a survey question that requires respondents to answer within an imposed structure. In interviews, it is a question that can be answered specifically, for example, by yes or no or trie or false. Such questions generally require the interviewee to recall something. Moreover, Closed-ended question are survey questions in which the respondent is asked to select an answer from among a list provided by the researcher. These are popular in survey research because they provide a greater uniformity of responses and are more easily processed than open-ended questions.

Closeness is the distance, in terms of ties, of an individual from all others in the network.
Closeted refers to a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual or intersex (LGBT/I) person who is secretive about their sexual orientation or gender history, out of fear or insecurity.

Closure stage refers to Stage 5 of the helping relationship, with its primary goal being to summarize, review, and make the transition out of counseling as smooth as possible.