Glossary D

Deutsch: Defizit / Español: Déficit / Português: Déficit / Français: Déficit / Italiano: Deficit /

A deficit refers to a lack or shortfall in a specific area of functioning or ability. Deficits can be found in a wide range of areas, including cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and social functioning.

Deficit (Deficiency) needs means the lower needs; failure to satisfy them produces a deficiency in the body.

Deficit measurement refers to an approach to Neuropsychological assessment for understanding general conditions and disease states about a patient by examining scores that are impaired and comparing them with other factors known about the patient.

Defining feature is defined as a feature that is necessarily a part of an object or concept; a necessary attribute. a necessary attribute is also called a Necessary feature.

Deutsch: Definition / Español: Definición / Português: Definição / Français: Dêfinition / Italiano: Definizione

Definition means all the details about an event. In psychology, a definition is a statement that explains the meaning of a term or concept. Definitions are often used to clarify the meaning of technical or specialized terms, or to provide a standard understanding of a concept that is used in research or theory.

Definition of death refers to a statement of the conditions under which an individual is understood to be dead
Deflection is when individuals avoid meaningful contact by being indirect or vague rather than being direct.

Degeneration in the Psychology Context: Understanding and Addressing Decline in Mental Well-being

In psychology, degeneration refers to the process of gradual decline or deterioration in mental well-being, cognitive functioning, emotional stability, or behavior. It is a complex and multifaceted concept that can manifest in various ways and is often associated with aging, neurological disorders, or other factors affecting mental health. This comprehensive exploration delves into the concept of degeneration in psychology, provides numerous examples of its manifestations in different psychological contexts, offers recommendations for individuals seeking to address or mitigate degeneration, discusses treatment and intervention approaches, and explores related psychological concepts that shed light on the significance of preserving mental well-being and cognitive functioning.