Glossary D

Delayed conditioning refers to conditioning procedure in which the onset of the NS precedes the onset of the US, and the two (2) stimuli overlap.

Deutsch: Verzögerte Ejakulation / Español: Eyaculación retardada / Português: Ejaculação retardada / Français: Éjaculation retardée / Italiano: Eiaculazione ritardata

Delayed ejaculation in the psychology context refers to a sexual dysfunction characterized by a man's difficulty or inability to achieve ejaculation, despite sufficient sexual arousal and stimulation. This condition can be distressing and may affect a person's sexual satisfaction and emotional well-being.

Delayed grief reactions refer to one of the four (4) types of Complicated grief reactions identified by Worden (2002) in which grief at the time of the loss in inhibited, supressed, or posponed, not surfacing again until later, when it most often appears as an excessive reaction to a subsequent loss or other trigerring event.

Delayed matching to sample or DMTC refers to a method of measuring forgetting in which the opportunity to match a sample follows a retention interval.
Delayed matching-to-sample task is a task in which an animal sees a sample object and then after a delay must choose an object that matches the sample

Delayed pairing is a term used in Classical conditioning which is the presentation of the CS before the US, with both ending simultaneously. Please see Backward pairing, Simultaneous pairing, Trace pairing.

Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome refers to a a condition in which a patient doesn't get sleepy until early in the morning the next day and sleeps late into the morning.

Delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) refers to muscle soreness that occurs 12 to 24 hours after an exercise bout.