Glossary D

Deterrence refers to a strategy of punishment associated with the Classical School.

Deterrence strategy refers to a crime control strategy which attempts tto diminish motivation for crime by increasing the perceived certainty, severity, or celerity of penalties.

Detoxification is a term in the treatment of Alcoholism referring to the Withdrawal of the patient from alcohol.

Moreover, Detoxification is the process of withdrawing from alcohol, usu

Deutsch: Detriangulation / Español: Detriangulación / Português: Detriangulação / Français: Détriangulation / Italiano: Detriangolazione /

Detriangulation refers to the process of withdrawing from a family member or therapist, so as not to be drawn into alliances of one person against another.

Detumescence refers to the return of an erect penis to the flaccid state.

Deuteranopia is a form of red-green color dichromatism caused by lack of the middle-wavelength cone pigment.

Deutsch: Abwertung / Español: Desvalorización / Português: Desvalorização / Français: Dévaluation / Italiano: Svalutazione /

Devaluation in psychology refers to the process of assigning a lower value or worth to oneself or others, often leading to feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, and diminished self-esteem. It can manifest in various forms, such as devaluing one's own abilities, devaluing the worth of others, or even devaluing entire groups of people based on stereotypes or biases. Devaluation can have significant psychological and social consequences, affecting relationships, mental health, and overall well-being.

Deutsch: Entwicklung / Español: Desarrollo / Português: Desenvolvimento / Français: Développement / Italiano: Sviluppo /

Development refers to the systematic and successive changes that follow a logical or orderly pattern over a long period of time and enhance a child's adaptation to the environment.