Glossary D

Developmental dyslexia refers to the Condition in which a child's reading ability is lower than would be expected on the basis of his or her IQ.

Developmental dysphasia refers to a delay in Language Development in the absence of any clear Sensory or cognitive disorder.

Developmental dysphasia is also referred to as Specific langu

Developmental dysplasia of the hip or DDH refers to a congenital condition of the hip joint. The hip joint is created as a ball-and-socket joint. In Developmental dysplasia of the hip, the hip socket may be shallow, letting the "ball" of the long leg bone, also known as the femoral head, slip in and out of the socket. The "ball" may move partially or completely out of the hip socket.
Developmental eras in adolescence is defined as the early, middle, and late adolescence

Developmental eras in adulthood is defined as young adulthood and middle adulthood

Developmental eras in childhood refers to infancy, toddlerhood, early childhood whic is also called the Play age or Preschool period, and middle childhood which is also called the School age or Latency period

Developmental eras in older adulthood is defined most often, as older adults - the elderly persons, golden-agers, senior citizens or "the old" are treated as if they were a single developmental cohort. However, recently, some writers have begun to make distinctions in older adulthood between the "young old (those from 65 to 74 years of age), the "old old" (those 75 - 84 years of age), and the "oldest old" or "very old" (those 85 years of age and older), even though these are properly chronological rather than developmental distinctions
Developmental function is defined as the form that development takes over time.