Glossary D

Destructive cult refers to a rigidly structured group that is led by a charismatic leader, which recruits and retains members using manipulative, deceptive techniques
- Destructive feedback encoding : Destructive Feedback encoding putting a message into a written, verbal, or symbolic form that can be recognized and understood by

destructive–nondestructive dimension refers to an independent dimension of antisocial behavior consisting of a continuum ranging from acts such as cruelty to animals or destruction of property at one end, to nondestructive behaviors such as arguing or irritability at the other.
- Destructive–Nondestructive dimension : Destructive–Nondestructive dimension is defined as an independent dimension of anti-social behavior which consist of a continuum ranging from acts such as cruelty to animals or destruction of property at one end, to non-destructive behaviors such as arguing or irritability at the other.
Desynchrony means lack of agreement between two (2) measures.

Detached concern or Detached compassion refers to a way of entering into the situation of the person being helped that enables the helper to continue to function effectively in the helping role

Detached personality is defined as behaviors and attitudes associated with the neurotic trend of moving away from people, such as an intense need for privacy.

Detached retina is defined as a condition in which the retina is detached from the back of the eye.