Glossary D

Deviant-case analysis refers to an investigation of similar cases that differ in outcome in an attempt to specify the reasons for the different outcomes.

Deutsch: Abweichung / Español: Desviación / Português: Desvio / Français: Déviation / Italiano: Deviazione /

Deviation refers to the movement of a body part towards the extreme in its range of motion; usually associated with risk of injury.

Deutsch: Abweichungs-IQ / Español: CI de desviación / Português: QI de desvio / Français: QI de déviation / Italiano: QI di deviazione /

Deviation IQ refers to an IQ obtained statistically from a person's relative standing in his or her age group, that is, how far above or below average the person's score was relative to other scores. Deviation IQ is a method of constructing IQ scores that compares a child's performance to that of other children the same age; contrast with mental age.

Deviation IQ score is defined as an intelligence test score that reflects how well or poorly a person performs compared with others of the same age.
Devil’s advocate refers to a group member who intentionally provides an opposing opinion to that expressed by the leader or the majority of the group.

Deutsch: Hingabe / Español: Devoción / Português: Devoção / Français: Dévouement / Italiano: Devozione

In the context of psychology, devotion refers to a profound emotional commitment or loyalty to a cause, activity, or another person. It involves strong feelings of enthusiasm, loyalty, and a willingness to sacrifice personal needs for the sake of the devoted object or individual.

Dexamethasone suppression test (DST) refers to a method of testing neuroendocrine functioning by injecting the individual with Dexamethasone, which in normal individuals results in the suppression of cortisol.

Dexamethasone suppression test (DST) is defined as a method of testing neuroendocrine functioning by injecting the individual with Dexamethasone, which in normal individuals results in the suppression of cortisol.