Glossary D

Domain-general abilities defined as general, underlying cognitive abilities that influence performance over a wide range of situations or domains. In contrast with Domain-specific abilities.

Domain-general capacities is defined as mental capacities or abilities that are used for many different tasks and domains. For example, if the ability to detect patterns in input is used for acquiring language and for learning about the physical properties of the world, then pattern detection would be a Domain-general capacity.

Domain-specific abilities refer to cognitive abilities specific to one cognitive domain under control of a specific mind/brain function. In contrast with Domain-general abilities.

Domestic partner refers to a person other than a spouse with whom one co-habits. Domestic partners can be either same or other sex.

Domestic partnership refers to registered relationship between gay and lesbian couples

Domestic Terrorism is defined as terrorism committed by citizens of the United States

Domestic Violence is defined as violence within the family or between husband and wife or partners.

- Domestic violence (Family violence) : Domestic violence (Family violence) is defined as violence that occurs within the home or family between people who have a close relationship with each other