Glossary E

experiment refers to research method that can establish causation by manipulating the variables in question and controlling for alternative explanations of any observed effects.

Experimental analysis of behavior refers to a phrase typically associated with Skinner’s system. Reflects radical behaviorism’s emphasis on the objective analysis of the variables involved in behavior, specifically, what the organism does, the circumstances under which the action occurs, and the consequences of the action - whether behavior occurs again under similar circumstances. (see Radical behaviorism.)

Experimental cognitive psychology refers to one of the four (4) approaches in the study of human cognition that involves carrying out experiments on normal individuals, generally under laboratory conditions.

Deutsch: Experimentelle Bedingung / Español: Condición Experimental / Português: Condição Experimental / Français: Condition Expérimentale / Italiano: Condizione Sperimentale

Experimental condition in the psychology context refers to the specific environment, set of procedures, and variables that participants in an experiment are exposed to or experience. This condition is deliberately manipulated by researchers to investigate the effects of one or more independent variables on a dependent variable, allowing them to draw conclusions about cause-and-effect relationships. The experimental condition is contrasted with the control condition, where participants are not exposed to the experimental treatment, providing a baseline for comparison.

Deutsch: Experimentelles Design / Español: Diseño Experimental / Português: Design Experimental / Français: Conception Expérimentale / Italiano: Design Sperimentale /

Experimental design refers to a research design in which the investigator introduces some change in the participant’s environment and then measures the effect of that change on the participant’s behavior. Moreover, Experimental designs are designs which help us determine causality.

Experimental error refers to any variation in the dependent variable that is not caused by the independent variable
Experimental group refers to the group of participants that receives the "treatment " thought to influence the behavior under study.

- Experimental group in an experimental study : Experimental group in an experimental study is defined as a group of participants that receives the key manipulation