Glossary I
Glossary I
Englisch: Erik Erikson 's Theory of Psychosocial Development stages
Identity vs. identity confusion (adolescence) refers to the 5th stage of Erik Erikson's theory of Psychosocial development where the adolescents are confronted with questions about life style and life direction.
Deutsch: Ideographische Entwicklung / Español: Desarrollo Ideográfico / Português: Desenvolvimento Ideográfico / Français: Développement Idéographique / Italiano: Sviluppo Ideografico /
Ideographic development refers to individual variations in the rate, extent, or direction of development.
Deutsch: Ideologie / Español: Ideología / Português: Ideologia / Français: Idéologie / Italiano: Ideologia
An ideology involves concepts about human life and behavior.
In the context of psychology, ideology refers to a system of beliefs, values, or ideas that an individual or group holds. It represents a significant aspect of how people understand and interpret the world, influencing their perceptions, behaviors, and interactions with others.
Idiographic approach refers to the approach that emphasizes individual differences over general behavioral principles.