Glossary L

Lexicon store refers to a "storehouse" of words that an individual knows or understands.
Leydig cells is defined as cells in the testes that produce testosterone. Leydig cells is also referred to as Interstitial cells.

LGBs is the abbreviations of lesbians, gays, bisexuals.

In psychology, the acronym LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,, Transgender, and Queer individuals) is a term used to describe people who have a non-heterosexual orientation or a non-binary gender identity.

- LGN (Lateral geniculate nucleus) : LGN is the acronym of Lateral geniculate nucleus which is the nucleus in the thalamus that receives inputs from the optic nerve and, in turn, sends fibers to the cortical receiving area for vision.

Liaison is defined as a person who acts as an intermediary between employees and management; or the type of employee who both sends and receives most grapevine information.

Libido is the name that Jung gives for psychic energy.

Licensing refers to a professional regulation that is more stringent than certification. It specifies not only the nature of the title and training required for licensure but also the professional activities that may be offered for a fee.