Glossary L

Life course refers to the integration and sequencing of phases of work and family life.

Life course theories refer to explanations for criminality that recognize that criminogenic influences have their greatest impact during the early stages of life, and which hold that experiences which children have shape them for the rest of their lives.

Life crises is defined as major turning points in one's life course, such as birth, marriage, or death which typically involve some degree of disorientation resulting from a combination of danger and opportunity. Life crises also refer to internal conflicts that attends each stage of psychosocial development. Positive resolution of early life crises sets the stage for positive resolution of subsequent life crises.

Deutsch: Lebensereignisse / Español: Eventos de vida / Português: Eventos de vida / Français: Événements de la vie / Italiano: Eventi della vita /

Life events are major events in a person’s life that require change or adaptation.

Life expectancy is defined as the average number of years from birth to death, as based on statistical analyses of the length of life for people born in a particular period.

- Life instincts (Eros) : Life instincts is defined as instincts that have as their goal the sustaining of life; the drive for ensuring survival of the individual and the species by satisfying the needs for food, water, air, and sex. Life instincts or Eros, moreover are the innate drives that are responsible for all of the positive or constructive aspects of behavior.

Life narrative refer to the aspects of personality that pull everything together, those integrative aspects that give a person an identity or sense of self.

- Life Orientation Test (LOT) : Life Orientation Test (LOT) is a measure of dispositional optimism