Glossary L

Logic refers to the process of reasoning, thinking, and making decisions. Logic is the branch of psychology that deals with mental processes such as perception, memory, problem-solving, and decision-making.

Logical connectives are symbols used in logic arguments to form compound propositions.
Logical consequences refer to reasonable consequences that are defined by parents.

Logical error is the use of invalid or irrelevant assessment information to judge a pupil's status or performance.

Logical love refers to the type in which one selects a companion with the "right qualities" and who may have compatible interests and similar education and religion. Logical love is also characterized as the decision to seek a harmonious personality and common values and goals.

Logical positivism refers to the philosophy of science according to which theoretical concepts are admissible if they are tied to the observable world through operational definitions.

English: Logical Thinking / Deutsch: Logisches Denken / Español: Pensamiento lógico / Português: Pensamento lógico / Français: Pensée logique / Italiano: Pensiero logico

In the psychology context, Logical Thinking refers to the process of reasoning in a structured and coherent manner to arrive at a conclusion or solve a problem based on given premises or facts. It involves the use of deductive and inductive reasoning, where individuals apply rules of logic to analyze information, identify patterns, and make rational decisions. Logical thinking is critical for cognitive development and is foundational in problem-solving, decision-making, and the scientific method.

Logistic regression is the statistical analysis that predicts the probability of the occurrence of an event.