Glossary L

Logogen refers to the structure in the internal lexicon that specifies the various attributes, semantic, orthographic, and so on, of a word.
Logography is an Orthography in which spoken words are represented by visual symbols.

Logotherapy refers to a type of Existential therapy that focuses on challenging clients to search for meaning in their lives. Logotherapy is associated with the techniques of attitude modulation, dereflection, and paradoxical intention. Logotherapy which literally means "the therapy of meaning" is a widely known form of Existential therapy developed by Victor Frankl that encourages the client (a) to find meaning in what appears to be a callous, uncaring, and meaningless world and (b) to develop a sense of responsibility for his/her life.

Lollygag also spelled Lallygag means to fool around, waste time, or spend time lazily.

Loneliness is defined as feelings of desperation, boredom, self -deprecation, and depression experienced when individuals feel their personal relationships are too few or too unsatisfying. It is a distressing emotional state caused by a lack of meaningful interpersonal relationships. Loneliness, moreover; is an emotional state that occurs when a person has fewer interpersonal relationships than desired or when these relationships are not as satisfying as desired; the painful feeling of wanting more human contact or connection than what one has

Deutsch: Langzeitgedächtnis / Español: Memoria a largo plazo / Português: Memória de longo prazo / Français: Mémoire à long terme / Italian: Memoria a lungo termine

Long Term Memory (LTM and as a noun phrase without hyphens) is a crucial component of the human memory system, responsible for storing information for extended periods, ranging from days to a lifetime. It contrasts with short-term memory, which holds information temporarily. Long-term memory is essential for learning, recalling past experiences, and performing complex cognitive tasks.

Long-term care or LTC refer to to the range of medical and/or social services designed to help people who have chronic care needs or disabilities ; services may be provided in a person's home, in the community, or in residential facilities.