Glossary L

Latent learning is learning that occurs without obvious reinforcement and that remains unexpressed until reinforcement is provided. It is learning that occurs in the absence of any observable demonstration of learning and only becomes apparent under a different set of conditions. According to Tolman, Latent learning is learning that has occurred but is not translated into behavior.
Latent syphilis refers to the third stage of syphilis, which may last for years, during which symptoms disappear although the person is still infected.

Later adolescence refers to the period of psychosocial development that begins around the time of graduation from high school and ends in the early 20's.

Lateral means located toward the side, away from the midline.

Lateral axis is the axis that has the same directional orientation as the frontal plane of motion and runs from side to side at a right angle to the sagittal plane of motion. Lateral axis is also known as the Frontal or Coronal axis.

Lateral corticospinal tract is defined as set of axons from the primary motor cortex, surrounding areas, and the red nucleus, descending in the lateral part of the spinal cord, responsible for control of muscles on the contralateral side, especially in the arms and legs

Deutsch: Laterales Radfahren / Español: Ciclismo lateral / Português: Ciclismo lateral / Français: Cyclisme latéral / Italiano: Ciclismo laterale /

Lateral cycling means selling or giving a previously purchased product to someone else to use for its intended purpose.

Lateral epicondylitis refers to a common problem quite frequently associated with gripping and lifting activities that often involves the extensor digitorum muscle near its origin on the lateral epicondyle Lateral epicondylitis is commonly known as Tennis elbow.