Glossary O

Operant stimulus generalization refers to the tendency to respond to stimuli similar to those that preceded operant reinforcement.
Operating principle refers to a preferred way of taking in or operating on information.

Operating space refers to the mental space that can be allocated to the execution of intellectual operations in Case's Theory of working memory.

Deutsch: Operation / Español: Operación / Português: Operação / Français: Opération / Italiano: Operazione /

Operation refers to an action that is performed on an object or a set of objects.

Operation Identification refers to a proactive effort to identify personal property to prevent its theft

Operational definition refers to the concrete and specific definition of something in terms of the operations by which observations are to be categorized; a definition of a concept in terms of the operations that must be performed to demonstrate the concept. Operational definition is the definition of a concept by specifying the operations required to manipulate or measure the concept. It is defining a scientific concept by stating the specific actions or procedures used to measure it. For example, "hunger" might be defined as "the number of hours of food deprivation. "

Operational definitions refer to observable operations, procedures, and measurements that are based on the independent and dependent variables

Moreover, Operational definitions are

Operational schemes refer to Piaget"s term for schemes that utilize cognitive operations, or mental "actions of the head,” that enable one to transform objects of Thought and to reaso