Glossary P
Glossary P
- PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder) : - PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder) : PTSD is the acronym of Post-traumatic stress disorder which refers to anxiety disorder in which the individual experiences several distressing symptoms for more than a month following a traumatic event, such as a re-experiencing of the traumatic event, an avoidance of reminders of the trauma, a numbing of general responsiveness, and increased arousal.
Public conformity means going along with the crowd outwardly, regardless of what one privately believes
Public distance refers to the distance at which formal interactions, such as giving a speech, occur about 12 feet or more from the body.
Public distance zone refers to the distance greater than 12 feet from a person that is typical of the interpersonal space allowed for social interactions such as large group lectures or public speech.