Glossary P

Deutsch: Leidenschaftliche Liebe / Español: Amor apasionado / Português: Amor apaixonado / Français: Amour passionné / Italiano: Amore appassionato /

Passionate love refers to an intense emotional state, involving sexual desire, feelings of ecstasy, and perhaps anguish. It is a state of intense longing for union with another.

Passive aggression means harming others by withholding a behavior, such as purposely failing to convey an important message

Deutsch: Passiver Gehorsam / Español: Cumplimiento Pasivo / Português: Conformidade Passiva / Français: Conformité Passive / Italiano: Conformità Passiva /

Passive compliance means passively bending to unreasonable demands or circumstances.

Passive deception refers to the intentional withholding or omitting of information whereby participants are not told some information about the study. Passive deception known as Omission.

Passive euthanasia means allowing a person to die by withholding an available treatment; allowing someone to die by either not doing that is withholding or omitting/withdrawing some action that is necessary to sustain life. It means withholding treatment or removing life-sustaining nourishment and breathing aids for the dying person, with the result that death occurs more quickly than if these procedures were continued.

- Passive genotype/environment correlations : Passive genotype /environment correlations refers to the notion that the rearing environments that biological parents provide are influenced by the parents’ own genes and hence are correlated with the child’s own genotype

Passive insufficiency refers to the state reached when an opposing muscle becomes stretched to the point where it can no longer lengthen and allow movement.

Passive mind is a mind whose contents are determined by sensory experience. It contains a few mechanistic principles that organize, store, and generalize sensory experiences. Moreover, Passive mind refers to a mind that simply reflects cognitively one's experiences with the physical world. The Empiricists assume a passive mind. Likewise, the British Empiricists and the French Sensationalists tended to postulate such a mind.