Glossary P

Deutsch: Vergangenheitsorientierte Frage / Español: Pregunta centrada en el pasado / Português: Questão centrada no passado / Français: Question axée sur le passé / Italiano: Domanda focalizzata sul passato /

Past-focused question refers to a type of structured-interview question that taps an applicant’s experience.

Past-Life Memories are mental images that are believed to be memories of previous lives. Please see also Reincarnation, Past-life regression.

Past-Life Regression refers to a technique of hypnosis involving regressing people to supposed previous lives. (See also Reincarn

Deutsch: Flicken / Español: Parche / Português: Remendo / Français: Patch / Italiano: Toppe

In the psychology context, Patch could metaphorically refer to strategies, interventions, or coping mechanisms applied to address or remedy psychological issues, emotional wounds, or cognitive deficits. Unlike a physical patch used to repair material objects, a psychological patch involves therapeutic techniques, behavioral adjustments, or mental exercises designed to improve mental health, enhance emotional resilience, or restore cognitive functions. This concept emphasizes temporary or supplementary solutions that contribute to an individual's overall psychological healing or development process.

Patent medicines are products that were sold, most often in the 19th century, as medicines that would cure a host of illnesses and diseases

Paterfamilias refers to the male head of a family or a household; father figure.

Paternal influences is the aggregate of all psychological effects fathers have on their children.

Paternity uncertainty refers to the fact that a man cannot be sure that the children born to his female partner are his