Glossary S

Deutsch: Selbstwertgefühl / Español: Autoestima / Português: Autoestima / Français: Estime de soi / Italiano: Autostima

Self-esteem in psychology refers to an individual's overall subjective emotional evaluation of their own worth. It is the judgment of oneself as well as an attitude toward the self.

TheSelf-evaluation maintenance theory refers to the theory that one's self-concept can be threatened by another individual's behavior and that the level of threat is determined by both the closeness of the other individual and the personal relevance of the behavior.

Deutsch: Selbstuntersuchung / Español: Autoexamen / Português: Autoexame / Français: Auto-examen / Italiano: Autoesame /

Self-Examination, in the context of psychology, refers to the deliberate and introspective process by which an individual explores and evaluates their thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and beliefs. This introspective practice involves deep reflection on one's own psyche, motivations, values, and experiences to gain insight, self-awareness, and personal growth. Self-examination is a fundamental aspect of self-discovery and can lead to increased self-understanding and well-being.

Deutsch: Selbsterkundung / Español: Autoexploración / Português: Autoexploração / Français: Exploration de soi / Italiano: Autoesplorazione

Self-exploration in psychology refers to the process of examining and understanding one’s thoughts, feelings, motivations, beliefs, and behaviours. This introspective practice involves consciously reflecting on one's experiences and inner world to gain greater self-awareness and insight. Self-exploration is a key component of personal development and mental health, contributing to self-discovery and overall well-being.

Deutsch: Selbstausdruck / Español: Expresión personal / Português: Autoexpressão / Français: Expression de soi / Italiano: Espressione personale

Self-expression in psychology refers to the process of conveying one's thoughts, emotions, beliefs, or identity through words, art, behavior, or other forms of communication. It is considered a fundamental aspect of mental health and personal development, enabling individuals to articulate their inner world and assert their presence in a social context. Self-expression is crucial for developing a sense of identity and can foster self-understanding and emotional well-being.

Self -fulfilling prophecy refers to the tendency for our expectations to evoke responses that confirm what we originally anticipated.

Deutsch: Selbstverwirklichung / Español: Autorrealización / Português: Autorrealização / Français: Épanouissement Personnel / Italian: Autorealizzazione

Self-Fulfillment in the psychology context refers to the realization of one's own potential and the achievement of personal aspirations and goals. It involves the pursuit of activities and experiences that are deeply satisfying and align with one’s values, leading to a sense of completeness and meaning in life.

Self -Handicapping is protecting one's self-image with behaviors that create a handy excuse for later failure.

Self-Handicapping is creating obstacles and excuses for ourselves, so that if