Glossary S
Glossary S
Deutsch: Selbstachtung / Español: Autoestima / Português: Autoestima / Français: Estime de soi / Italiano: Stima di sé
Self-regard in the psychology context refers to the way individuals perceive, evaluate, and value themselves. It encompasses an individual's feelings of self-worth, self-respect, and overall self-acceptance, influencing their behaviour, relationships, and emotional well-being.
Deutsch: Selbstrepräsentation / Español: Autorepresentación / Português: Auto-representação / Français: Auto-représentation / Italiano: Autorappresentazione /
In psychology, "self-representation" pertains to the way individuals perceive and depict themselves to both themselves and others. It encompasses the multifaceted aspects of self-identity, self-concept, and self-presentation, all of which play a significant role in an individual's mental and emotional well-being. Self-representation can be influenced by various factors, including personal experiences, social interactions, and cultural norms. In this article, we will explore the concept of self-representation in psychology, provide examples, discuss potential risks and application areas, offer recommendations for fostering healthy self-representation, and briefly touch upon historical and legal perspectives. Finally, we will list some similar psychological concepts.
Deutsch: Selbstsabotage / Español: Auto-sabotaje / Português: Auto-sabotagem / Français: Auto-sabotage / Italiano: Auto-sabotaggio
Self-sabotage in the psychology context refers to behaviours or thought patterns that hinder an individual’s progress or success, often in an unconscious attempt to maintain a sense of comfort or avoid perceived risks. This form of self-defeating behaviour can interfere with personal, professional, or social goals, creating a cycle of failure or dissatisfaction despite a genuine desire to succeed.
Deutsch: Selbstgespräch / Español: Auto-diálogo / Português: Auto-fala / Français: Auto-parole / Italiano: Auto-discorso
Self-talk in psychology refers to the internal dialogue that occurs within an individual’s mind. It involves the thoughts and words a person uses to talk to themselves, consciously or subconsciously, which can influence their emotions, behaviours, and overall mental state. This self-dialogue can be positive or negative and plays a significant role in shaping one’s self-perception and cognitive processes.
Deutsch: Selbstvalidierung / Español: Autovalidación / Português: Autovalidação / Français: Autovalidation / Italian: Auto-validazione
Self-validation in the psychology context refers to the process of recognizing, accepting, and affirming one’s own thoughts, feelings, and experiences without needing external approval or validation from others. It involves acknowledging your emotions and beliefs as legitimate and worthy of respect, even if they differ from those of others. Self-validation is a crucial aspect of emotional regulation and mental well-being, as it helps individuals build self-esteem, reduce anxiety, and foster a sense of self-worth.
Deutsch: Selbstsein / Español: Individualidad / Português: Identidade Própria / Français: Individualité / Italiano: Identità Personale
In the psychology context, selfhood refers to the quality or state of being an individual person; it encompasses the aspects of an individual that make them unique and distinct from others. Selfhood includes one’s sense of personal identity, self-awareness, and the internal narrative that integrates past experiences with the present and future aspirations. It is the foundation of one's self-concept and self-esteem, shaping how individuals perceive themselves, their roles in society, and their relationships with others.