Glossary S

Static Load refers to the amount of stress occurring without movement.

Deutsch: Statistik / Español: estadística / Português: estatística / Français: statistique / Italiano: statistica

In the context of psychology, a statistic refers to a numerical value that describes or summarizes data collected from psychological research or testing. Statistics are crucial tools for psychologists, allowing them to analyze and interpret data concerning human behavior, cognitive functions, emotions, and social interactions.

Statistical significance refers to a statistical term indicating that a result has ninety-five percent certainty of being due to a factor other than chance.

Statistically significant referring to a correlation, or a difference between two (2) groups, that is larger than would be

Statutory Assessment refers to a detailed assessment based on parental, educational, psychological and medical advice and also the advice of any other professional involved with your child.

Deutsch: Hydriert bleiben / Español: Mantenerse hidratado / Português: Manter-se hidratado / Français: Rester hydraté / Italiano: Mantenersi idratato

Stay Hydrated refers to maintaining an adequate level of water in the body, which has a significant impact on both physical and mental health. In psychology, hydration plays a key role in cognitive functioning, emotional regulation, and overall mental well-being. Dehydration can impair cognitive abilities, mood, and energy levels, making it crucial for mental performance.

STD is the abbreviations of Sexually transmitted disease, an illness that is transmitted primarily through sexual contact.

A Steady state describes the tendency of a control system to achieve a balance between an environmental demand and the response of a physiological system