Glossary S

Sobriquet (SOH-bri-kay) noun, also soubriquet A fancy nickname or a humorous name. From French sobriquet, from soubriquet (chuck under the chin).

The Social Ability refers to the ability or characteristic of a person who deals easily with social performance situations.

Deutsch: Soziale Angststörung / Español: Trastorno de ansiedad social / Português: Transtorno de ansiedade social / Français: Trouble d'anxiété sociale / Italiano: Disturbo d'ansia sociale

Social anxiety disorder is a common mental health condition characterized by an intense and persistent fear of being watched, judged, or negatively evaluated in social or performance situations. This fear can significantly impact daily functioning and lead to avoidance of social interactions and activities.

Social bond refers to the rather intangible link between individuals and the society of which they are a part. The social bond is created through the process of socialization.

Social capital refers to the degree of positive relationships with other persons and with social institutions, that individuals build up over the course of their lives.

Deutsch: Sozialer Wandel / Español: Cambio social / Português: Mudança social / Français: Changement social / Italiano: Cambiamento sociale

Social change in the psychology context refers to the transformation of cultural, social, economic, and political structures and norms over time. This transformation impacts individual and group behaviors, attitudes, and values, often driven by collective action, technological advancements, and significant societal events.

Social class refers to distinctions made between individuals on the basis of important defining social characteristics.

Social cognition refers to a construct to describe how people think about themselves in relation to others, and how they interpret ambiguous events and solve problems.