Glossary T

Tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon refers to an occasional problem with retrieval of information that we are sure we know but cannot immediately remember

Tips are Information obtained from citizens regarding a crime

Tissue donation means making a gift of human tissue for medical, research, or educational purposes
- Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) : Tissue plasminogen activator refers to a drug that breaks up blood clots. Tissue plasminogen activator is also called tPA.

tit for tat or TFT refers to a Bargaining strategy that begins with cooperation, but then imitates the other person"s choice so that cooperation is met with cooperation and competitio

Titchener, Edward Bradford (1867_1927) the creator of the the school of structuralism. Unlike Wundt's voluntarism, structuralism was much more in the tradition of empiricism -associationism.

Title refers to a concise statement of the content of a paper that identifies the main variables being investigated. It provides an idea of the contents of an article or technical paper and often states only the dependent and independent variables
Tittle-tattle is defined as petty gossip; trivial talk. It also means to talk idly or foolishly; gossip.