Glossary W

The Word-superiority effect appears when letters are read more easily when they are embedded in words than when they are presented either in isolation or with letters that do not form words.

- Worden Complicated grief reactions : Worden Complicated grief reactions refer to grief reactions or mourning processes that are abnormal in the sense of being deviant and unhealthy, thereby overwhelming bereaved persons, leading to maladaptive behavior, and inhibiting progress toward satisfactory outcomes in mourning; Worden (2002) identified four (4) types: chronic, delayed, exaggerated, or masked grief reactions Complicated grief reactions is also called Complicated mourning.

Deutsch: Arbeit / Español: Trabajo / Português: Trabalho / Français: Travail / Italiano: Lavoro /

Work refers to an activity that produces something of value for others. Work is defined as the product of a force and the distance through which that force moves (W = F x D).

Work efficiency refers to the maximum output (productivity) at lowest cost.

work interval is a term in Interval training which refers to the duration of the work phase of each work-to-rest interval.

Work performance in the psychology context refers to the evaluation and assessment of an individual's abilities, behaviors, and achievements in a professional or occupational setting. It encompasses the effectiveness, productivity, and quality of work-related tasks and responsibilities. Psychologists often study work performance to understand factors that influence job satisfaction, motivation, and overall well-being in the workplace. This evaluation can involve various metrics, including quantitative measures like productivity levels and qualitative assessments of interpersonal skills, problem-solving abilities, and job-related behaviors. Effective work performance is essential for personal fulfillment, career advancement, and organizational success.

Work Preference Inventory refers to a measure of an individual’s orientation toward intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation.

Work sample refers to a method of selecting employees in which an applicant is asked to perform samples of actual job-related tasks.