Glossary W

Wish fulfillment refers to Freudian belief that many dreams express unconscious desires. In an effort to satisfy bodily needs, the Id conjures up images of objects or events that will satisfy those needs.

Wish Fulfillment Theory refers to Sigmund's Freud best known Theory of dreaming (1900) where he claimed that all dreams represent wish fulfillment, mainly of repressed desires, exampl

wishful thinking refers to a characteristic of preschool thought such that children usually do not differentiate between their wishes and their expectations.

withdrawal means general orientation of wariness toward people and objects. It is also refers to an approach to handling conflict in which one of the parties removes him/herself from the situation to avoid the conflict.

Withdrawal delirium refer to frightening Hallucinations and body tremors that result when a heavy drinker withdraws from alcohol.

Withdrawal design refers to the removal of a treatment to note whether said treatment has been effective.

withdrawal symptoms refer to physical or psychological symptoms such as convulsions, tremor, vomiting, insomnia, anxiety, muscle pain and sweating that follow the abrupt discontinuation of a drug that produces physical dependence. It is a physical illness and discomfort following the withdrawal of a drug.