Glossary W

Wonk refers to an expert who studies a subject or issue thoroughly and excessively.

Woodchuck refers to a hibernating animal

- Woodworth, Robert Sessions (1869-1962) : Woodworth, Robert Sessions refers to an influential functionalist at Columbia University who emphasized the role of motivation in behavior.

Deutsch: Wort / Español: Palabra / Português: Palavra / Français: Mot / Italiano: Parola /

Word is defined as a unit of language, consisting of one or more spoken sounds or their written representation, that functions as a principal carrier of meaning. Moreover, Word is a sound sequence that symbolizes meaning and can stand alone.

Word association refers to a simple enabling exercise where research participants suggest words they can associate in any way with something relevant to the research, such as a brand or activity.

word association test refers to a projective technique in which a person responds to a stimulus word with whatever word comes to mind. word association test is a test in which a person is presented with a word and asked to respond with the first word that comes to mind.

Word attack skills refers to the ability to analyze unfamiliar words visually and phonetically
Other definition:
Word attack skills refer to the ability to analyze unfamiliar words visually and phonetically.

Word deafness occurs in the most extreme form of Wernicke’s Aphasia, when a person cannot recognize words, even though the ability to hear pure tones remains intact.