Glossary A

Albinism refers to a Group of Genetic disorders in which the affected individual has reduced or absent pigmentation. This usually affects the hair, skin and eyes. There are times whe

Alcmaeon (fl. ca. 500 B.C.) is one of the first Greek physicians to move away from the magic and superstition of temple medicine and toward a naturalistic understanding and treatment of illness.

Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. It is an ethanol produced by the action of yeast on sugars. Ethanol is a biphasic drug: low doses have a different effect to high doses.

Alcohol abuse refers to diagnosis given to someone who uses alcohol in dangerous situations, fails to meet obligations at work or at home due to alcohol use, and has recurrent legal or social problems as a result of alcohol use. Alcohol abuse is characterized by one or more of the following as a result of alcohol use: (1) failure to fulfill major role obligations; . (2) recurrent physically hazardous use; . (3) recurrent alcohol-related legal problems; or (4) continued use despite persistent alcohol-related social or interpersonal problems.

- Alcohol Dehydrogenase (ADH) : Alcohol Dehydrogenase refers to a zinc containing enzyme that breaks down Alcohol into fatty acids, carbon dioxide, and water before it enters the bloodstream.

Alcohol dependence refers to a chronic, progressive disorder marked by a growing compulsion to drink and impaired control over drinking that eventually interfere with health and social behavior. Alcohol dependence is also defined as the inability to quit drinking or to limit intake of alcohol in spite of strong intentions to do so Alcohol dependence is also called Alcoholism.

Alcohol myopia refers to shortsighted thinking and perception that occurs during alcohol intoxication. Likewise, Alcohol myopia is defined as the tendency for intoxication to reduce cognitive capacity, which results in a narrowing of attention.
Alcohol Use Disorder refers to a cognitive, biological, behavioral, and social problem or disorder that is associated with Alcohol use and abuse.