Glossary C
Glossary C
Deutsch: Kontinuierliches Lernen / Español: Aprendizaje continuo / Português: Aprendizado contínuo / Français: Apprentissage continu / Italiano: Apprendimento continuo
Continuous learning is the ongoing process of learning new skills or knowledge on a regular basis. This concept is particularly relevant in the context of psychology, where it refers to the capacity of individuals to continually develop their cognitive, emotional, and social abilities throughout their lives.
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) refers to a mask worn by patients with sleep Apnea that blows air from a tube to keep the airway open when the patient is sleeping.
Continuous reinforcement schedule refers to a system of behavior modification in which certain behaviors are always rewarded or punished, leading to rapid learning of desired responses; a schedule in which each specified response is reinforced.
Continuous variable refers to a factor that is measured along a continuum (such as 0-100) rather than falling into a discrete category (such as "diagnosed with depression").
Continuum of Care refers to the entire spectrum of specialised health, residential and rehabilitative services available to the frail and chronically ill. The services focus on the social, rehabilitative, residential and supportive needs of individuals as well as needs that are essentially medical in nature.
Continuum of preparedness refers to the idea that organisms are genetically disposed to learn some things and not others.
Contraception refers to the Prevention of pregnancy by Abstinence or the use of certain devices or surgical procedures to prevent ovulation, fertilization, or implantation.