Glossary C

Control-enhancing interventions is defined as interventions with patients who are awaiting treatment for the purpose of enhancing their perceptions of control over those treatments.
Control/Display Compatibility refers to the degree to which relationships between controls and displays are consistent with user expectations For example, a person may have expectations concerning the movement of a control and its expected effect on a display based on a previously formed stereotype of that movement.

Controllability refers to information that indicates whether the cause of the success (or failure) is something the individual can control or cannot control

Controlled Approval means maintaining vulnerability and confusion by alternately rewarding and punishing similar actions.

controlled drinking refers to extremely controversial treatment approach to alcohol dependence, in which severe abusers are taught to drink in moderation.

Controlled experiment refers to experiment which attempt to hold conditions (other than the intentionally introduced experimental intervention) constant.

Controlled observation is defined as an observational method in which the clinician/therapist exerts a certain amount of purposeful control over the events being observed. Controlled observation may be preferred in situations where a behavior does not occur very often on its own or where normal events are likely to draw the patient outside the observer's range. Controlled observation, moreover is a research method similar to naturalistic observation in which carefully planned observations are made in real-life settings, except that the investigator/therapist/clinician exerts a degree of control over the events being observed. Controlled observation is also known as Analogue Behavioral Observation.

Controlled performance technique refers to an assessment procedure in which the clinician places individuals in carefully controlled performance situations and collects data on their performance/behaviors, their emotional reactions which is subjectively rated, and/or varieties of psychophysiological indices.