Glossary C

Confidential Informant refers to a professional person who provides information to law enforcement, often on a one time basis; people who provide the police with information and remain anonymous.

Confidentiality refers to the principle that disclosures in therapy must be safeguarded by the therapist as private.

Confidentiality of records refers to the critical ethical and legal issue that address the importance of confidentiality records, the probable right of parents to their children’s records as well as clients to their own records. Please see Buckley Amendment.

Configural learning is defined as performance of a task in which the meaning of a stimulus depends on what other stimuli are paired with it

Deutsch: Konfiguration / Español: Configuración / Português: Configuração / Français: Configuration / Italian: Configurazione

Configuration in the psychology context refers to the arrangement or organization of psychological elements within an individual or a system. This can include mental structures, cognitive processes, personality traits, and the interplay between different psychological factors that shape behaviour and mental states.

Confinement against one’s will refers to the critical ethical and legal issue that addresses the fact that an individual cannot be hospitalized against his or her will unless he or she is in danger of harming self or another. Please see Donaldson v. O’Connor.

Confirmable propositions is a term used within science, as propositions capable of validation through empirical tests.
Confirmation is a term which according to Tolman, is the verification of a hypothesis, expectancy, or belief.