Glossary D

Dichromat is defined as a person who has a form of color deficiency. Dichromats can match any wavelength in the spectrum by mixing two (2) other wavelengths. Deuteranopes, Protanopes, and Tritanopes are all Dichromats.

- DID (Dissociative identity disorder) : DID (Dissociative identity disorder ) refers to a disorder in which as many as 100 personalities or fragments of personalities co-exist within one body and mind. It is formerly known as Multiple personality disorder.

Didymous means occurring in pairs; twin.

Diencephalon is a structure of the brainstem that is composed primarily of the Thalamus and Hypothalamus and a structure of the brainstem, also known as the Interbrain or "between brain."
Dietary Guidelines for Americans refers to general statements related to food selection that are consistent with achieving and maintaining good health.
Dietary reference intakes is defined as the framework for nutrient recommendations being made as a part of the revision of the 1989 RDA.

Diethylstilbestrol refers to a powerful estrogen that has been linked to cancer in the reproductive organs of children of women who used the hormone when pregnant.

Diethylstilbestrol also refers to a synthetic hormone, formerly prescribed to prevent miscarriage, that can produce cervical cancer in female offspring and genital-tract abnormalities in males.

Diethylstilbestrol is also known as DES.

Dieticians refer to trained and licensed individuals who apply principles of nutrition and food management to meal planning for institutions, such as hospitals, or for individuals who need help planning and managing special diets.