Glossary D

Deutsch: Differentielles Forschungsdesign / Español: Diseño de investigación diferencial / Português: Desenho de pesquisa diferencial / Français: Conception de recherche différentielle / Italiano: Progetto di ricerca differenziale /

Differential research design is defined as a Non-experimental research design that compares pre-existing groups rather than randomly assigning individuals to groups. Often, the groups are defined by a participant characteristic such as gender, race, or personality.

Differential threshold refere to the amount that stimulation needs to change before a difference in that stimulation can be detected.

Differential validity refers to the characteristic of a test that significantly predicts a criterion for two (2) groups, such as both minorities and non-minorities, but predicts significantly better for one of the two (2) groups. Moreover, Differential validity is the extent to which a test has different meanings for different groups of people. For example, a test may be a valid predictor of college success for white but not for black students.

Differentiation refers to a Suicide loss grief process when self-realization of the consequence of the loss comes out. Suicide grievers grasp a change in their core personal identity.

Differentiation (of neurons) refers to the final stage of neuronal development, in which neurons gain in size, produce more dendrites, and extend their axons farther away from the cell body.

Differentiation process is defined as a phase of pre-natal central nervous system development that commences when migrating neural cells reach their predetermined destinations within the brain. The neural cells develop the unique characteristics of the cells specific to that brain region, as they reach their destination

Difficult temperament is defined as the temperamental profile in which the child is irregular in daily routines and adapts slowly to new experiences, usually responding negatively and intensely.

Difficulty index Indicates refers to the proportion or percentage of pupils who answered a test item correctly.