Glossary D

Deutsch: Unterschied / Español: Diferencia / Português: Diferença / Français: Différence / Italiano: Differenza /

Difference is a term used in research methods in behavior that refers to a basic property of all measurement scales such that objects or their attributes can be categorized as different from each other.

Difference scores refer to a method for interpreting neuropsychological test data that focuses on the difference between a patient's scores on two (2) separate tests. Difference scores above a certain level are suggestive of impairment.
Difference threshold may refer to: 1. the average point at which two (2) stimuli are judged to be different;. 2. a change in stimulus intensity that is detectable to an observer; and 3. the minimal detectable difference between two (2) stimuli.

Difference viewpoint is the view that cognitive development of children with mental retardation differs from that of normally developing children in more ways than merely differences in developmental rate and upper limit.

Differential association refers to the sociological thesis that criminality, like any other form of behavior, is learned through a process of association with others who communicate criminal values.

- Differential association theory : Differential association theory refers to a theory of criminality based on the principle that an individual becomes delinquent because of an excess of definitions learned that are favorable to violation of law over definitions learned that are unfavorable to violation of law.

Differential association-reinforcement is defined as a theory of criminality based on the incorporation of Psychological learning theory and differential association with Social learning theory. As the theory claims, Criminal behavior is learned through associations and is contained or discontinued as a result of positive or negative reinforcements.