Glossary D

Direct observation means assessing behavior through direct surveillance.

Direct observation of behavior is when a person observes their own behavior with a behavioral definition and immediately records it. Behavior analysts regard this approach as Direct observation.

Direct pathway model of pain is the idea that pain occurs when nociceptor receptors in the skin are stimulated and send their signals to the brain. This model does not account for the fact that pain can be affected by factors in addition to stimulation of the skin.

Direct perception is a Theory of Perception that proposed by James J. Gibson, holding that information in the world is "picked up on" by the cognitive processor without much construction of internal representations or inferences. Direct perception's emphasis is on direct acquisition of information.
Direct perception theory refers to the belief that the array of information in humans sensory receptors that includes the sensory context, is all humans need to perceive anything

Direct question is referring to a type of information gathering technique that uses a question to focus on specific content in an effort to obtain information quickly.

Direct realism refers to the belief that sensory experience represents physical reality exactly as it is. Direct realism is also called Naive realism.
Direct reinforcement refers to a reinforcement that occurs as a direct consequence of a behavior, example, getting paid to work. (See Vicarious reinforcement.)