Glossary D

Dilate means to make wider or larger.

Dilation is defined as the expansion of the opening of the cervix in preparation for birth. It is the condition of being stretched open beyond normal limits.

Dilation rods is defined as a series of graduated metal rods that are used to dilate the cervical opening during an abortion procedure.
Dilators is defined as the graduated series of metal rods used in the treatment of Vaginismus.

Deutsch: Dilemma / Español: Dilema / Português: Dilema / Français: Dilemme / Italiano: Dilemma

In psychology, a dilemma refers to a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, especially equally undesirable ones. It often involves a conflict between moral imperatives, where to obey one would result in transgressing another.

Dilli which is also spelled Dilly refers to someone or something that is remarkable or unusual.

Deutsch: Verdünnung / Español: Dilución / Português: Diluição / Français: Dilution / Italiano: Diluizione

In the psychology context, dilution refers to the weakening or lessening of the impact, intensity, or effectiveness of a stimulus, thought, memory, or emotion when it is combined with other factors or competing stimuli. This concept is often explored in areas like perception, cognition, and decision-making, where multiple sources of information or emotions can reduce the salience or strength of a particular element.

Dimension is defined as a specifiable aspect of a concept. "Religiosity," for example, might be specified in terms of a belief dimension, a ritual dimension, a devotional dimension, a knowledge dimension, and so on.