Glossary D

Digital subtraction angiography is defined as a procedure in which the X-ray image of the brain is stored and subtracted after the images of the contrast material have been acquired. The process is particularly effective in enhancing the visualization of blood vessels, including the morphologic and physiologic states of the arterial, capillary, and venous phases of the cerebral circulation.

Deutsch: Digitale Therapeutika / Español: Terapéutica Digital / Português: Terapêutica Digital / Français: Thérapeutique Numérique / Italiano: Terapeutica Digitale

In the psychology context, digital therapeutics refers to evidence-based therapeutic interventions delivered through digital and often online platforms to treat, manage, or prevent a wide range of psychological conditions. These interventions utilize software programs, apps, and other technology-based tools to deliver psychological treatments, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), to patients in an accessible and engaging manner.

Diglot means bilingual; a bilingual book, person, etc.

Deutsch: Würde / Español: Dignidad / Português: Dignidade / Français: Dignité / Italiano: Dignità

In the context of psychology, dignity refers to an individual's sense of self-worth and respect. It involves the recognition of one's intrinsic value and the right to be treated with respect by others.

Dilate means to make wider or larger.

Dilation is defined as the expansion of the opening of the cervix in preparation for birth. It is the condition of being stretched open beyond normal limits.

Dilation rods is defined as a series of graduated metal rods that are used to dilate the cervical opening during an abortion procedure.
Dilators is defined as the graduated series of metal rods used in the treatment of Vaginismus.