Glossary D

- Diogenes (ca. 412_323 B.C.) : Diogenes is a scientist/philosopher who advocated natural impulse as the proper guide for action instead of social convention so like his mentor Antisthenes

Dionysiac-Orphic religion is defined as a religion whose major belief was that the soul becomes a prisoner of the body because of some transgression committed by the soul. The soul continues on a circle of transmigrations until it has been purged of sin, at which time it can escape its earthly existence and return to its pure, divine existence among the gods. A number of magical practices were thought useful in releasing the soul from its bodily tomb.

Dionysian aspect of human nature is a term which according to Nietzsche refers to that part of humans that seeks chaos, adventure, and passionate experiences.

Direct approach to perception refers to Gibson's idea that humans directly pick up and use the information afforded by the environment

Direct calorimetry is defined as the assessment of the body's metabolic rate by direct measurement of the amount of heat produced.

Direct compensation is defined as the amount of money paid to an employee which does not include the benefits, time off, and other benefits,such as leave, food and accomodation.

Direct control is defined as an external control that depends on rules, restrictions, and punishments.
Direct correlations is defined as the relationship between two (2) variables that is tested - distress correlated with coping style.