Glossary P

Predestination refers to the belief that God has pre-ordained, even before birth, which people will be granted salvation and which are condemned to eternal damnation.
Predictability means having all the details about an event or having the mental resources to understand fully what needs to be done in a certain case may make the outcome of the event predictable.

Prediction is defined as an ability to accurately forecast behavior. In Research studies, Prediction is the statement of a future outcome before data are collected

Predictive validity is the xtent to which a measure accurately forecasts how a person will think, act, and feel in the future; the extent to which test scores correlate with scores on other relevant measures administered at some point in the future. Moreover, Predictive validity is defined as a form of criterion validity in which test scores of applicants are compared at a later date with a measure of job performanc; a type of validity demonstrated when scores obtained from a measure accurately predict behavior according to a theory.

Predictive validity evidence refers to the evidence that a test forecasts scores on the criterion at some future time.

Deutsch: Prädisposition / Español: predisposición / Português: predisposição / Français: prédisposition / Italiano: predisposizione

Predisposition in psychology refers to the inherent inclination or tendency to experience certain mental health conditions, behaviors, or reactions based on genetic, biological, or environmental factors.

Preeclampsia refers to a Condition of hypertension during pregnancy, typically accompanied by leg swelling and other sympt

Preemployment/Background Screening refers to the screening of the background (education, previous jobs, training, etc) of potential employees