Glossary P

Precontemplation is a stage in the Transtheoretical Model when humans are not aware that they are practicing a behavior that is unhealthy or do not intend to take any action to change a behavior.

Preconventional level refers to Kohlberg’s term to describe moral reasoning wherein the individual considers and weighs the personal consequences of the behavior. Preconventional level is the first level of Reasoning in Kohlberg’s theory, where moral reasoning is based on external forces. According to Kohlberg, it is a period during which moral judgments are based largely on expectations of rewards or punishments.

Preconventional moral reasoning is a moral thinking based on the consequences of one's choices or actions

Preconventional morality refers to Kohlberg’s term for the first two (2) stages of Moral reasoning, in which moral judgments are based on the the following: (Stage 1) tangible punitive consequences, and;. (Stage 2) rewarding consequences of an act for the actor rather than on the relationship of that act to society’s rules and customs. In Kohlberg's stages of Moral reasoning, Preconventional morality is the most immature form of Moral judgment. Moral decisions are based on whether the act has positive or negative consequences, or whether it is rewarded or punished.

Precueing refers to a procedure in which a cue stimulus is presented to direct an observer’s attention to a specific location where a test stimulus is likely to be presented. Precueing is a procedure that was used by Posner to show that attention enhances the processing of a stimulus presented at the cued location.

Precursor cells which is also known as Progenitor cells are early cells lining the neural tube that proliferate to create the neurons and glia cells of the brain.

Predator may be defined as an animal that eats other animals.

Predatory Aggression (attack of prey by a predator) refers to human motivated attack behaviors. This kind of aggression is directed to natural prey and is deeply routed in our ancestors hunting behavior. Today it can be seen in the behavior of normal individuals as hunting. Abnormal/deviant subjects such as Narcissists may see other humans as lesser being or as non-equals and may not have any moral issues with stealing or hurting such individuals